Bird Buddy Explore is a new feature that allows anyone to browse feeds from Bird Buddy cameras around the world

Watch Birds from Around the World

A New Way to Birdwatch

great way to learn about birds and enjoy birdwatching even if you don't have a backyard or feeder

Educational and Fun

In addition to providing birdwatching feeds, Bird Buddy Explore also offers interesting, educational information about each species of bird the user encounters when using the app

A Global Community

Bird Buddy Explore is more than just a birdwatching app. It's also a community of bird lovers from all over the world

For All Ages

Bird Buddy Explore is a fun and educational app for people of all ages

New Features

Bird Buddy Explore is constantly adding new features and content. In the future, you can expect to see even more bird feeders from around the world

Get Involved

Get Started Today!

Bird Buddy Explore is a free app available for iOS and Android devices

Birdwatching requires patience and practice. Don't get discouraged if you don't see any birds right away.