What is AirWatch Unveiled Navigating Mobile Device Management and Security

What is AirWatch Workspace ONE?

Amidst the rapid technological advancements, organizations prioritize protection and security measures for mobiles & apps. Among the solutions gaining traction recently is AirWatch. A multifaceted MDM solution within VMware Workspace ONE spans various functionality areas to expedite mobile administration, heighten protection, and increase employee output.

Understanding AirWatch

What is AirWatch?

Catering to diverse firm profiles—from compact sprouts to enormous conglomerates—AirWatch exemplifies exceptional adaptability within EMM systems. Designed to tackle complexities arising from multi-device management on various OS platforms – iOS, Android, Windows & macOS included.

Key Features and Capabilities

  1. Device Management: Organizations can readily onboard, customize, and monitor wireless devices via AirWatch. Essential tasks consist of developing policies, deploying programs, and airborne patch management through WiFi links.
  2. Application Management: Businesses may efficiently distribute, upgrade, and control apps among all mobile gadgets. Maintaining highest levels of safety, this checks off another box crucial for optimal employee performance.
  3. Security and Compliance: Organizations enjoy robust security thanks to AirWatch’s implementation, which includes encryption protocols and password compliance. Adherence to industrial benchmarks like HIPAA and GDPR is conveniently addressed through our platform’s design.
  4. Content Management: Platform security serves as conduit for efficient workplace document sharing with integrity maintenance.
  5. Identity Management: By providing SSO, AirWatch enhances security through unified access management while improving UX.
  6. Automation: Automation enables efficient management of workstreams, which lead to more free time for creative thinking among employees.

What is AirWatch

What is AirWatch

What is AirWatch

Industries Benefiting from AirWatch

Thriving within a multitude of commercial settings thanks to its adaptive capabilities and extensive functionalities, AirWatch emerges as an essential resource. Here are some examples of how different sectors can benefit from this MDM solution:


Central to each treatment plan is defending against data breaches and maintaining confidentiality in hospitals. By providing robust encryption and conformance tools, AirWatch facilitates responsible handling of private patient details among clinicians employing portable technology

Financial Services

On a routine basis, financial bodies encounter delicate money details. Boosting productivity and client satisfaction, Airwatch secures finance department information accessed through mobiles with greater flexibility and caution.


Using AirWatch, schools and universities can ensure safekeeping of mobile devices utilized by colleagues and learners. Safeguarding this environment enables access to digital learning materials too.


Owing to AirWatch’s module administration features specifically designed for retail workers who depend on handsets for stock control and customer service, business procedures thrive smoothly and security measures ensure sensitive data remains safe.

The Benefits of Implementing AirWatch

By integrating AirWatch into their mobile device management strategy, organizations can experience a multitude of benefits:

Enhanced Security
Its strong safety features protect sensitive information through remote erasure and encoding.

Improved Productivity
By simplifying personnel productivity this way, office workers no longer need waste time and resources on device-related challenges or testing applications.

Cost Savings
Smart entrepreneurs recognize the value of minimizing downtime with automation strategies—an investment which pays off by lowering overall support expenses (IT).

Growth within companies creates additional opportunities for AirWatch to accommodate expansion with fluidity and ease.

History, What is AirWatch
Founded by John Marshall in 2003, Wandering WiFi evolved into AirWatch, a leading provider of airborne solutions. Formerly known as MDM software for Wandering WiFi, AirWatch has evolved into much more.

Showcasing a natural progression through growth, AirWatch transformed itself into a leading entity in both MDM and EMM. Through the acqusition of AirWatch,VMware established itself as the biggest player inEMM withan unprecedented $1.6billion deal.

From its founding year of 2006 until 2016, Marshall led AirWatch as CEO alongside co-founder and chairman Alan Dabbiere. Integration reached its full extent afterVMware took over the company.

Maintaining his connection to VMware AirWatch via his position on the advisory board was Marshall After acquiring Wandering WiFi, Dabbiere renamed it Aware Software before shifting its concentration towards IoT (Internet Of Things) surveillance.

More About Mobility Funda.

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